205 Peach Orchard Dr, Greensboro, NC 27455 uzo8025@gmail.com (336) 545 3336 - (336) 707 3625


UZO Foundation Incorporated is a non-profit charitable private foundation in the State of North Carolina.

Uzo Foundation Incorporated is a non-profit charitable private foundation in the State of North Carolina that was formed on October 6, 2005. Uzo Foundation is a charitable organization that offer programs to enhance nutrition, health, safety, disaster response, preventable causes, and leadership skills in developing communities. The Foundation strives to convert "wastes" including surplus supplies into valuable resources for less privileged people in developing communities and communities affected by natural disasters. The activities are conducted by volunteers throughout the year in the United States and Enugu State, Nigeria. The Foundation undertakes fundraising to support its activities. There are no alternate names for Uzo Foundation. The foundation does not discriminate against anyone based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or handicap.
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